31 Jul 2010

Garden Design Continued

The fun part designing your garden is seeing everything come together it's hard work, but worth it at the end with great results something I would like to share with the world or intrigue others to try! Go on give it a go you might find it relaxing!!!

Stay tooned for next weeks final stage to this design....

24 Jul 2010

Garden Design

I have been designing and creating several projects on the go, but the one I'm working on the most is the garden which hasn't been touched for years so it looks like a jungle with everything over grown and those nasty weeds!

So I am creating different themes throughout the garden making it more interesting to explore, you could call it an 'Oasis' . 

So far it has taken me several weeks to clear each site and about 100 bags of rubbish, as you can see there are the several stages to mapping out how it would look before setting the bricks in using concrete;

12 Jul 2010

Art Sculptor

I have taken up jogging again after all my treatments, because you do gain weight from it as I am so eager to start shaping up with my two beautiful girls on tow committing to a new beginning.

During my jogs I came across this beautiful creative sculptor made from twigs and branches it must of taken some time to do, but how long has this been created...a beautiful piece, don't you think!

3 Jul 2010

Just Us

Every time I wake up in the morning it's so lovely to be greeted by my two beautiful dogs and it makes me feel loved and appreciated, as it's been a while since I felt that in a long time!

My dogs are really characters and they are so beautiful I love them to bits they have always been there for me......

A Chinese Crested named Miyan a real cutie!

and Zya my Whippet who loves her food!

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